DV Updates

New Materials and Training Opportunities

A Guide to Injunctions for Protection

All court scenes are portrayals of hypothetical scenarios.


This Domestic Violence Checklist for LitigantsPDF Download was also created to accompany the videos above, and offers further information about the domestic violence process. If you would like to download these 3 videos for use in your circuit, please contact vcsupport@tempusvalorem.com.

View Available NCJFCJ Publications

The NCJFCJ has prepared a catalogPDF Download of available publications from the Family Violence and Domestic Relations Program.

The 2023 Sexual Violence Benchbook

The 2023 Florida Sexual Violence BenchbookPDF Download is a comprehensive resource guide for judges who are on the criminal bench and anticipate that they will hear cases involving sexual violence. The benchbook provides information on the hearings that courts routinely hold, complete with flowcharts and checklists designed to provide at-a-glance as well as in-depth analysis of the criminal procedures impacted by the nature of the crime.

Strangulation Infographic

 This infographic PDF Downloadprovides a quick look at what constitutes strangulation, some statistics regarding strangulation, and some of the devastating effects of it.

Upcoming Webinars


Interpersonal Violence Case Law Update with Judge Thomas Eineman

Join Judge Eineman as he reviews the last year of case law updates impacting domestic violence and other interpersonal violence cases. An index and overview document will be provided to all participants.

When: Apr 24, 2024 12:00 PM - 1 PM EST
Please register in advance for this webinar: http://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_vVS6_p8BTMy5AzCnYLidow
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

OFC has applied for CJE's and attendees will get one general CLE for attending.


Recognizing the Inherent Lethality Risks of Coercive Control

Presented by Judge Holly Grissinger, 6th Judicial Circuit, and Donna King, Ph.D., J.D ., President/Director of Victims Safe Harbor

When: Sep 12, 2024 12:00 PM - 1 PM EST

As a result of this training, participants will be able to:

  1. Define “coercive control,” as derived from an empirical based study completed with data from a study of intimate partner homicides within the state of Florida.
  2. Identify acts and behaviors of coercive control, i.e., eight themes and twenty-seven sub-themes, utilized by abusers and victims when coercive control is present in an intimate partner relationship, including physical violence and the threat thereof. 
  3. Recognize non-violent coercive control tactics in a variety of scenarios through examples provided.
  4. Better understand the application of coercive control to Greyson’s Law, pursuant to § 741.28, Fla. Stat., § 61.13, Fla. Stat., and § 741.30, Fla. Stat.
  5. Understand the lethality risk of the continuing course of conduct of the non-violent tactics of coercive control within an intimate partner relationship between an abuser and a victim, whether or not recent physical violence or the threat thereof is present.

Register in advance for this webinar: http://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_DmgcEYQCQC6XiufWXDTvcg 
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

OFC has applied for CJE's and CLE's.


What Pets can Tell us About Their Families - Understanding the link between animal cruelty, domestic violence, elder abuse, and child abuse to produce better judicial outcomes

Presented by Retired Judge Rosa Figarola, 11th Circuit

Learning Objectives: As a result of attending this program:

1.    Participants will understand the link between animal cruelty and interpersonal violence. 

2.   Participants will understand how being aware of the link can provide another tool with which to understand the family dynamics of a given case.

3.  Participants will develop skills to incorporate knowledge of the link into their practice to help promote a better understanding of the family and achieve better outcomes. 

Nov 5, 2024 12:00 PM - 1 PM EST
Please register in advance for this webinar: http://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_qOjF11PvQs2CTeZPfSmbaw
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

OFC has applied for CJE's and CLE's.


High-Risk Indicators for Intimate Partner Homicide Institute (1.5 days)

Please join us for our 1.5-day virtual training institute, presented by the Florida Department of Children and Families in partnership with Citrus County Abuse Shelter Association, Inc, focuses on the relationship between high-risk factors and intimate partner homicide. High-risk indicators of potential danger including stalking/cyberstalking, strangulation, and sexual violence, provide opportunities to prevent intimate partner homicides before a lethal event occurs. Trends in domestic violence fatality review and culturally specific risk factors will also be discussed. The goal of this institute is to ensure criminal justice professionals are well-equipped with the knowledge to effectively identify risk factors within their various disciplines that perpetuate violence to ensure perpetrator accountability and survivor safety. The intended audience is stakeholders in the criminal justice process including law enforcement, judges, and court staff.

  Learning objectives

Attendees will describe the relationship between stalking/ cyberstalking, strangulation and sexual violence and the potential for intimate partner homicide.

Attendees will describe culturally specific high-risk indicators.

Attendees will develop strategies for perpetrator accountability and survivor safety when high-risk indicators are present.


March 27-28, 2024

To register for this virtual institute, please use the link here: http://teams.microsoft.com/registration/SLoN94OyV0yIMctBFEWpTA,2EkBehuWSkKA6JOLKprC8Q,_3ErF6-UNU6StCBpB6S8OA,3p1AFn-FF0qj8WmuUX2f8g,pjU6b1zrDkC0pYxc65FO9w,VOx24sVR2UOe7hMDAfNnbA?mode=read&tenantId=f70dba48-b283-4c57-8831-cb411445a94c&webinarRing=gcc

Please note that the second half day calendar invitation will be sent after registration. The same Microsoft Teams link will be used for both days of the institute.

The Advanced Domestic Violence Course is now available. Created in unison with the Florida State University, users can obtain up to 10 CLE's for completing all 8 chapters by referencing course 2301782N (valid prior to 9/30/2024). Judges may request 10 CJE's credit for their participation by referencing course 21-120.


The 2025 End Violence Against Women International (EVAWI) Conference will be held April 22-24, 2005 at the Anaheim Marriott, in Anaheim, CA.

The National Center for Victims of Crime's National Training Institute will be holding their next training September 18-20, 2024, in Portland, Oregon.

For a list of of other national training events, please see the VAWnet calendar.

For events sponsored and/or hosted by the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, please see the NCJFCJ calendar.    

If you have questions about upcoming events, please email the Office of Family Courts at vcsupport@tempusvalorem.com.

Last Modified: April 11, 2024