
April 2024

April is National Child Abuse Prevention month. Declared by a presidential proclamation in 1983, National Child Abuse Prevention Month shines a spotlight on those organizations nationwide that work hard everyday to protect our youth and serve those families affected by abuse and neglect. Please consider taking a moment this month to extend your gratitude to those agencies and individuals in your community that work with families and the juvenile justice system to prevent abuse and neglect. 

See how the National Coalition for Juvenile and Family Court Judges is observing National Child Abuse Prevention Month by clicking here.

See here for past spotlight posts.

Upcoming Events


No upcoming webinars scheduled at this time.


Judicial Regional Training on Coordinating and Delivering High-Quality Treatment Services to Youth in Delinquency Courts

The Office of Family Courts in the Office of the State Courts Administrator, in conjunction with the Juvenile Delinquency Advisory Group, is hosting an upcoming judicial regional training on the topic of treatment services for youth in delinquency courts. This training will cover tips and best-practices for judges in coordinating access to high-quality treatment services for youth in their delinquency courts . This training will be held on Friday, May 31, 2024 from 9am-12pm EST via Zoom. The training is open to all family court judges/magistrates but is geared to those that currently have a delinquency docket (or anticipate having one in the future). Please follow the link below to register for this regional training:

Office of Family Court staff are in the process of applying for CJEs/CLEs for this training and will be sending out further information to registrants prior to the scheduled event.

Please contact Joshua Kuch ( in the Office of Family Courts for more information.

Last Modified: April 12, 2024